Wow! I've learned a ton of interesting information from this class. The things I have been taught encouraged me into looking more in depth about the topics. I have always admired the growth of technology, being born into the era and all. I am fascinated at what is to come, but also, terrified. Will we be able to do things with the help of robots? Maybe. Will robots help lessen the cost and workload of major companies? Maybe. Will robots and net neutrality take over? Maybe.
I've enjoyed learning about topics like technology facial recognition. The fact that our phones and information can be unlocked with our very own face. This is something I only saw in shows and movies growing up. Will holograms become stronger and better? Will they become the next FaceTime? Its like Star Wars!
But there again is the upending doom of artificial intelligent and robots taking over the world and killing the human race as we know it. Or the fact that in a little over a week we can have our net neutrality taken away, limit ting our view of the internet. Thus creating a North Korean communist directorship. Okay...maybe not that extreme, but to think they government can do that with just a few signatures is insane.
This always brings to my mind the question, "did other generations have fears like this when growing up?" Of course they were afraid of things, the Cold War could of ended with no one left on earth. Throughout history things have always been scary, but with the advancement of new technologies, who know what is to come.
We'll have to sit back, wait, and see for ourselves.
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